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Collagen- definitely a little hyped but if you are using a good brand also not harmful- so don’t trash it just yet!
Collagen is a protein that can be found in your skin, joints, organs and arteries. It forms the matrix and can prevent sagging and wrinkles.
Your body can’t absorb the whole form so if you’re gonna spend the money, make sure you are using collagen peptides (which are broken down amino acids). ✨Your body can use those amino acids to form collagen but also to form whatever else needs to be made.
It’s fantastic like that!
Be sure to avoid the things that will accelerate your loss of collagen while cranking up production with good sleep, sun protection and of course a healthy balanced diet. Care for your vessel and your face will surely show it! 💜
#integrativeapn #integrativemedicine #collagen #collagenpeptides #healthyharmorhype #aminoacids #proline #glycine #hydroxyproline #wrinkes #bestfacedorward #retinoids #vitaminc
Ahhhhh the sweet sweet tingle of the KAVALACTONES…. (Yes it has sort of this tingly ✨effect when it hits the tongue).
I love kava and use it when I’m totally wound up and need to come back to reality. Safety profile is excellent but again avoid with any prior liver issues.
✔️The dose ranges anywhere from 70-1000mg although the perfect dose is somewhere between 250 and 500mg kavalactones.
I find this to be more sedating although kava is a great one for social anxiety as well!
#integrativeapn #integrativemedicine #herbalmedicine #kava #kavalactones #anxiety #socialanxiety #stressmangement #justbreathe #breathwork #pipermethysticum
Anxiety 😳is a totally normal response but when it feels like it’s bubbling over and your regular tools just aren’t managing your symptoms, there are a number of herbs that can help bring some relief.
Herbal medicine is still medicine and should be taken as directed, however many times these natural gems offer a SAFER yet effective alternative to the pharmaceutical counterparts.
Passionflower 🌸 is one of my favorites and promotes a sense of calm when you feel like you’re burning it at both ends.
There are a variety of other herbs I like to use as well. Next up … KAVA 🌿so stay tuned!
#integrativeapn #integrativemedicine #herbalmedicine #herbs #passionflower #kava #anxiety #stressmanagement #calming #gratitude #mindfulness #youreamazing
Feel like your burning it at both ends, exhausted but then your mind races once you lay down to sleep, feeling anxious throughout the day?
Then let me introduce you to the hero of your story.
⭐️ADAPTOGENS are natural products that help support your body during stress by increasing our resilience and decreasing burn out. They have a variety of benefits and can work in different ways so choose your adaptogen based on your needs. From vitamins to mushrooms these miracle products are a staple in my life. So show your bod some love 💜and support your vessel that works so hard for you! #integrativeapn #adaptogens #integrativemedicine #awcim #ashwagandha #tulsi #rhodiola #resiliency #fighttheburnout #loveyourbody #supportyourvessel #herbalmedicine
We have normalized the race through the hour, the day, our lives. We are so focused on what’s next, that we breeze through what’s now.
Mindfulness allows you more control over these responses, the need for speed, while decreasing anxiety and empowering your true self. It allows for acceptance of what may be out of your control and appreciation of what is all around you. It teaches you to be present, be in this moment - whatever this moment may be or bring 💜
#integrativeapn #mindfulness #didyoupracticetoday #integrativemedicine #awcim #anxiety #generalanxietydisorder #depression #rumination #amygdala #prefrontalcortex #happyyou #breathwork
The foods you choose to break your fast can be just as important as the fast itself.
You’ve been burning fat for energy and your digestive system has been quiet.
😊Be kind with the foods you choose.
Healthy carbohydrates with a low glycemic index will release glucose slowly and avoid the dreaded spike of insulin required to offset quick carbs (think whole grain versus white bread). These carbs keep glucose levels steady and tend to have fiber and added nutrients your body needs.
Healthy fats/ or your poly and mono unsaturated fats are also a good choice. They are anti inflammatory and easy to digest.
Lean proteins are a must as well. They are a great source of energy and are low in saturated fat.
Avoid added sugar and drink plenty of water!
#integrativeapn #integrativemedicine #fasting #breakthefast #glycemicindex #healthyfats #stayhydrated #steadyglucose #inflammation #bdnf
We are approaching 16 hours!
Maybe you have a little brain fog, a little headache, -stay strong! Ketosis brings mental clarity and autophagy takes the cellular trash out!
You got this!!
#integrativeapn #integrativemedicine #fasting #autophagy #bdnf #ketosis #stayfocused #yougotthis #justsaynotolunchtoday
YES! You can have coffee ☕️when you fast but keep it black. Any amount of calories will break your fast and delay autophagy.
I’m about 12 hours in and at this point have depleted all my glucose stores from my meal last night. I’m currently using GLYCOGEN stored in my liver and muscles, as energy. Once that’s all used up I’ll move into the fat burning stage.
Reaching autophagy is different for everyone but studies show it happens somewhere between 24-48 hours. For those of you that eat breakfast everyday, this part of the fast is challenging but try and focus on hour by hour.
Stay hydrated! And keep your eye on the price!
🌟Cellular clean up!! If at any point you just feel unwell BREAK YOUR FAST! It’s all about what works best for you 😊
#integrativeapn #integrativemedicine #awcim #fasting #autophagy #glycogen #ketosis #bdnf #mentalclarity #blackcoffee #drinkwater
Fasting has long been a staple for so many cultures. Extended fasting periods like Ramadan, which starts soon, has really shown us the vast benefits your body can have with limiting your caloric intake. These extended periods of fasting have shown to decrease autoimmune flares, regulate blood sugar, even improve cognition.
While you should consult your doctor (or APN 😉) before undertaking an extended fast, I think it can be wildly beneficial for a number of different ailments.
REMEMBER- there are no rules. Listen to what your body is telling you. If the extended fast seems daunting start with an intermittent fast. Perhaps dinner to lunch (16 hour) or dinner to dinner.
These shorter fasts have also proven to be quite beneficial for hormone and blood sugar regulation.
It’s common during you fast to feel a little nauseous, maybe you have a headache- some of these are just signs you body is detoxing. But if you feel unwell simply break your fast!
#integrativeapn ##autoimmune #ramadan #fasting #ghrelin #leptin #autophagy #exercise #detox #justbreathe #fastwithme #drinkwater
Whether you’re new to fasting or an old pro - limiting your caloric intake has a variety of benefits for your body that go far beyond weight loss.
Preparing for a fast is simple.
1. Eat clean a few days leading up to it
2. Limit or abstain from alcohol
3. Exercise exercise exercise!
And most importantly LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!
There are no rules! No failures! Only learning about what your body needs and how to care for it so you can function at your most optimal level!
#integrativeapn #integrativemedicine #awcim #fasting #autophagy #bdnf #thinkclearer #eatclean #ketosis #drinkwater #begrateful
Fasting or simply abstaining from food, has enormous benefits!!
Intermittent Fasting is a great tool that you should try to incorporate into your everyday life, EXTENDED fasting can be done less frequently.
The benefit??
Fasting greater than 24 hours can activate AUTOPHAGY ⭐️
Autophagy is like a cellular clean up for your body. Allowing your system to work like it should.
So consider an extended fast and take out the trash- your body will thank you!
#integrativeapn #integrativemedicine #autophagy #fasting #intermittentfasting #ketosis #insulinresistance #inflammation #lowercholesterol #mtor #bdnf
Butterfly Pea Flower is not made from butterflies and it certainly isn’t peas-
But it does have a ton of benefits and should make its way into your pantry!
I was first was introduced by @doctorsirichand who makes the most vibrant, beautiful drinks and healing meals (so check her out!)
This beautiful blue flower is packed with antioxidants and is known in Ayurvedic medicine as the BRAIN HERB. It has been praised for its gut healing, stress reducing, glucose stabilizing properties. And that’s just a few!
Add your favorite matcha or green tea, fresh lemonade and sweetener. I used monk fruit but you can certainly add honey 🍯instead.
It’s a big hit with kids because of its MAGIC color changing properties. Blue to magenta with a little acid. 🍋 Cheers!
#butterflypeapowdergreentealemonade #butterflypea #matcha #monkfruit #insulinresistance #stabilizeglucose #kidsdrink #integrativeapn #integrativemedicine #ayurvedicmedicine #brainherb #stressrelief #guthealth
is a combination of FULVIC - a naturally derived organic compound found in the nutrient dense part of soil that has a low molecular weight and can penetrate the cell
ZEOLITE a negatively charged mineral that acts as a sponge- absorbs toxins, heavy metals and pollutants, which lets face it, we are exposed to everyday!
This powerhouse combination provides essential micronutrients which we just aren’t getting because the soil is so depleted.
⭐️It supports a healthy microbiome, improves the intestinal barrier, provides energy while allowing your body to utilize nutrients more efficiently!!
It’s SAFE to be used everyday and your kids can get all the benefits as well! Oh and it’s tasteless! 🙌🏼So boost your water and your bod and add BLK water with every refill 💦
#fulviczeolite #waterforlife #micronutrients #blkwater #integrativeapn #microbiome #energy #toxins #detox #nutrients #integrativemedicine #healthyguthealthyyou #mindbody #braingut
❤️❤️National Wear Red Day!
A day that focuses on bringing awareness to heart disease. 1 in 4 will succumb to the devastating effects of cardiovascular disease. So know your risks and take CARE of your ♥️
#nationalwearredday #iheartmypatients #heartdisease #preventionisthebestmedicine #familyhistory #inactivity #obesity #diabetes #calciumscore #lipidpanel #managehypertension #stresstest #montclaircardiologygroup #preventiontointervention #integrativemedicine #hmhnewjersey #healthcarewithheart #andrewweilcenterforintegrativemedicine #awcim
Day 10
Let’s talk about BLACK GOLD aka COMPOST!
It’s a mixture of organic matter which provides a nutrient rich additive for soil.
What are the benefits? 🤔
1. Decreases food waste - about 30-40% of the food we purchase is tossed in the trash!
2. Improves the soil composition 🌱
3. Enhance water retention -just 1 percent increase in soil organic matter helps soil hold 20,000 gallons more water per acre!! 🤩
Now this is one I don’t do, but have committed to doing. So I am saving my food scraps (in the freezer) and will create my compost pile in the next few weeks.
If you want to join me all you have to do is put your kitchen scraps aside (no meat fish or dairy), save those Amazon boxes, and we can do it together!
Stay tuned…
##10days10waystoreduceyourcarbonfootprint #littlechangesbigresults #blackgold #composting #integrativeapn #motherearth #soilmicrobes #healthysoil #nutrientdense
Day 9
Donate used clothes to a friend, a family member or a great cause! Let’s face it, clothes we toss end up in the landfills. Giving your items new life will reduce your carbon footprint and decrease the byproducts of making new items. In the end, if you can help someone in need by doing so, then we all win.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give” WC
#integrativeapn #10days10waystoreduceyourcarbonfootprint #saynotofastfashion #donate #kindness #reducereuserecycle #givenewlife #littlechangesbigresults
Day 8
Reduce your carbon footprint by ditching the single use plastic produce bags. Sure they are convenient but they take 1000 years to break down, only to end up as microplastics poisoning the waterways.
Instead, opt for a reusable produce bag that you can wash. Stash them in the car and have them ready when you need them!
#10days10waystoreduceyourcarbonfootprint #littechangesbigdifference #integrativeapn #loveyourmother #microplastics #reusablebags #wegotthis
Day 7
Want to reduce your carbon footprint?
Turn of those lights!! 💡
But how can such a simple task help the environment? 🤔 Great question!!!!
The truth is only about 10% of the lightbulb electricity is utilized when the light is on, and the remaining 90% is wasted. The power plants are burning fossil fuel to produce this energy, therefore conserving really does make a difference!
#So flick that switch and reduce your footprint.
#integrativeapn #10days10waystoreduceyourcarbonfootprint #turnoffthelights #wegotthis #littlechangesmatter #earthconscious #climatechangeisreal
Day 6
Break the plastic water bottle habit!
The single use plastic water bottle is responsible for global warming due to the immense fossil fuel used in production, an enormous amount of pollution to land and water ways and honestly is no cleaner (than water you may get from a tap, certainly from a filter)! 🤯
It takes 450 years to break down to a micro plastic- which is devastating to the oceans and a 1000 years to decompose in a landfill 😫😖
So while the habit may be unavoidable all the time, we certainty can scale back and think twice before reaching for a single use plastic bottle.
Purchase a reusable container and the earth will thank you! 🌎💜🌎💦
#microplastics #fossilfuel #10days10ways #reduceyourcarbonfootprint #kickyourwaterbottleuse #plasticfree #integrativeapn
Day 5
It’s all about sustainability. Companies that are considered “sustainable” make active choices to reduce their negative effect on the environment.
✅Look for certified green companies and not just GREENwashed.
#shopsustainable #greencompanies #NOTgreenwashed #environmentallyfriendly #integrativeapn #10days10waystoreduceyourcarbonfootprint #smallchangesbigimpact