Common Chemical Additives in our Food
1. Monosodium Glutamate or MSG
MSG has been used for years to enhance the flavor and texture of foods. It originally caused concern because it had harmful neurological effects on mice. However MSG does not cross the human blood brain barrier- gatekeeper of our brains- therefore it is less of an area of concern. That being said, MSG has been linked to obesity and metabolic disorder. The TERRIBLE TRIFECTA of weight gain, elevated blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol levels. In some people MSG can cause headaches, numbness, and excessive sweating. So do your bod a favor and kick the MSG habit!
2. Sodium Nitrate
This additive can be found in processed meats and prevents bacterial growth while adding a reddish-pink color to food. Not to be confused with the very HEATHLY naturally occurring nitrates found in beets, leafy greens, and other delicious veg. This additive combines with heat to form NITROSAMINE which has been linked to higher incidence of colon, breast and bladder cancer.
3. Artificial Food Coloring
These numerous chemicals have been making there way into our food chain to make things look more appetizing, and to draw the eyes of kids everywhere. Afterall, nothing says healthy like a bright yellow cookie, or a a blue sports drink. These artificial chemicals have been linked to hyperactivity in children, and may even play a role in certain cancers although more evidence I needed. Avoid artificial colors but particularly Blue 1, Red 40 and Yellow 5 & 6.
4. Guar Gum
This carbohydrate is used in ice creams, sauces, soups and dressings to thicken and bind. Although is has some benefits as it is a by product of the guar bean and can help improve sugar levels, cause you to feel more full and improve digestion. Its ability to swell to 10-20 times its size by absorbing water can actually cause some GI upset in many people. So if you have constant tummy troubles, eliminate this additive and see if it makes a difference.
5. High Fructose Corn Syrup
I feel like whenever anyone says this there should be daunting music playing in the background. This common and nasty sweetener derived from corn syrup is highly processed and has been proven to cause metabolic syndrome, liver dysfunction, and slows learning and memory. Not to be confused with fructose, which is the naturally occurring sugar found in fruits. Fructose is a simple sugar that must be converted by our livers to glucose so the cells can utilize the carb for energy. The liver burns most of the sugar as fuel, converts some to glucose for further metabolism, some by product lactate which is filtered by the liver and less than 1% into fat. Now that’s when we eat an apple, which has roughly 13 grams of fructose and a large variety of antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. Ingesting high fructose corn syrup sends an exorbitant amount of highly processed- chemically altered sugar to the liver. Overloading it and causing increased triglycerides and fat. Without the added benefit of fiber and nutrients that fruit can offer. So kick the HFCS habit- it’s literally killing you!
6. Artificial Sweeteners
These sneaky chemicals made foods and drinks sweeter without the added calories. WONDERFUL RIGHT?? Not so fast. When the low fat movement took over America we forced everyone to turn to low fat no fat foods. Eat this no fat strawberry yogurt and drink this zero calorie cola- its healthy!! Well actually that movement came to a screeching hault when evidence of the exact opposite surfaced. Avoid ASPARTAME and SACCAHRIN and be weary of SUCRALOSE.
7. Carrageenan
This red seaweed derivative is used to thicken a variety of foods but mostly can be found in dairy products, vegan cheese and almond milk. It accelerates inflammation, leads to glucose intolerance and can even cause a relapse in ulcerative colitis.
8. Sodium Benzoate
Another GRS (generally recognized as safe) FDA approved additive found in carbonated drinks and acidic foods like fruit juice, condiments and pickles. What’s worse when this chemical is added to vitamin C it forms BENZENE that has been recognized by the American Cancer Society as cancer causing. Need I say more??
At the end of the day we should be avoiding PROCESSED FOODS. We should be nourshing our bodies with whole foods, that are nutrient dense and packed with essential vitamins and nutrients. Our food sources shouldn’t have a shelf life of a year and if you can’t find it in nature your body can probably do without. A highly nutritious diet helps you think clearly, move without aches and pains, avoid constant GI upset, maintain a healthy weight, control your sugars and avoid numerous chronic illness that increase mortality aka death. Feed your heart and your minds and your body will work for you and not against you. I promise!